Impatto Sonoro


Intervista ai DIE SELEKTION

Trio tedesco, i Die Selektion hanno attraversato da poco l’Italia per il loro primo tour. Portando sul palco le composizioni del loro primo LP (per ora uscito solo in vinile), hanno dimostrato la loro creatività ed originalità proponendo una minimal wave teutonica dai toni muscolari e dalle tinte oscure. Capaci di live trascinanti ed emotivamente forti, i ragazzi hanno le basi per continuare un lungo tragitto artistico.
Ci è sembrato doveroso quindi fare due chiacchere con Luca, cantante della band.
Ecco a voi.

A cura di Michele Guerrini.

Ringraziamo l’ass. Wardance per aver organizzato l’intervista.

Ciao, come va Luca? Che ne dici di partire parlando delle radici, degli inizi della vostra band?
Ciao! abbastanza bene ma pienissimo di impegni al momento per la composizione di nuovi pezzi dell’album. Io conosco Hannes (Tromba) sin da quando avevo 6 anni e ho suonato con lui in un paio di progetti, dopo essere usciti dalla nostra ultima band ho incontrato anche Max (drum machines) e abbiamo deciso di fondare un nuovo gruppo. Non avevamo idea che ogni cosa avrebbe preso forma così velocemente. Nati appena un anno fa, a Dicembre, gli ultimi mesi sono stati pazzeschi: oltre 30 concerti in Germania, Italia e Svizzera con l’uscita dei nostri primi pezzi su vinile, cassetta e cd.

Come avete dato vita al vostro suono? e quale era l’obiettivo artistico che vi eravate promessi di raggiungere?
Il nostro intento è di creare qualcosa di nuovo e di non essere parte di alcuna scena o movimento. Vogliamo solo fare la nostra musica, per noi e per voi. Non pensiamo molto riguardo al produrre una speciale forma di musica- la facciamo e basta!

Come avete deciso l’inserimento di una tromba nella band?
Hannes è uno dei miglior trombettisti che abbia mai conosciuto, suona parallelamente ai Die Selektion in una importante orchestra. Noi pensavamo che avrebbe potuto essere interessante e nuovo fondere la tromba con i sintetizzatori, e come puoi sentire il risultato è piuttosto buono. La tromba è una forma di carattere distintivo per noi.

Quali sono le band che vi hanno influenzato nella vostra estetica?
Non non abbiamo nessuna reale, principale band ispiratrice. Siamo influenzati da ogni tipo di early electronics. i D.A.F sono una piccola influenza, ma non tanto nel senso musicale quanto nell’idea di creare qualcosa di nuovo. Diamo sempre il meglio per essere speciali con ciò che facciamo.

Qual è il vostro rapporto con la tecnologia? So che avete prodotto solo in vinile finora….
Siamo collezionisti di vinile e lo adoriamo, perciò era uno dei nostri obiettivi produrre il nostro disco in vinile e siamo orgogliosi di questo. Non sarà sicuramente l’ultimo; dovremo poi produrre anche in cd, non c’è altra via, in quanto sin troppa gente ce lo chiede…lo faremo per i fans :)

I testi, quali sono i temi e il vostro immaginario?
Sono per la maggior parte su cose comuni, abitudini, situazioni e momenti della mia vita: amore, dispiaceri, paure. I testi sono un metodo per “lavorare”\”rielaborare”.

So di altri progetti paralleli alla vostra band…
Io ho altri due progetti, uno: “DEATH OF ABEL” è neofolk; stiamo registrando il nostro primo disco proprio in questo periodo e speriamo che esca presto.
L’altro è “ETROMIX” a cui partecipa anche Oksana Xiu (ex Newclear Waves, band fondata da Alessandro Adriani della Mannequin Records nda), tra minimal e musica ambient synth. Sono felice di entrambi i progetti; personalmente passo la maggior parte del tempo ad ascoltare neo fok e minimal wave, quindi sono felice di poter avere la possibilità di creare la mia musica preferita. Anche Max ha importanti progetti paralleli, produce interessante musica techno e post rock sotto il nome d’arte “Kyoto”. Dategli un ascolto, meritano!

Riguardo al futuro più prossimo? Quali sono i piani per il futuro?
Registrare il nostro nuovo album e andare in tour in Europa intorno a maggio\giugno… Italia e Germania verso ottobre\novembre, oltre ai festival estivi..anzi ti lascio anche i contatti: per l’Italia per l’Europa:

Ho avuto il piacere di ascoltarvi al Wardance Comics Party a Lucca insieme ai Venkmans ed i Gothika, poi so che avete suonato anche al Mannequin Festival a Roma con Mushy ed i Tropic of Cancer… come è stato?
L’intero tour in Italia è stato magnifico! Ci siamo divertiti molto, fatto buoni show e incontrato tanta gente simpatica. I ragazzi di Wardance stanno facendo un grande lavoro e siamo contenti di continuare a lavorare con loro. Roma è stata importante per noi ed eravamo molto eccitati in quanto sono un grande fan di Mushy. Max e Hannes sono grandi fan dei Tropic of Cancer, quindi anche per loro è stato un grande momento.

a cura di Michele Guerrini


English Version

Hi,how are you? would you like to talk about the roots of your band and its history?
Hello, quit nice but very busy right now with writing new songs for our upcoming album. I know Hannes (Trumpet) since i’m 6 and played with him in a couple of projects, after breaking up with our last Band I met Max (Machines) and we decided to form a Band. We had no idea that everything will get shape so soon. We formed last december, nearly 1 year now and the last months were amazing for us. We had over 30 shows in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and releases on Vinyl, Tape and Cd.

How did you give birth to your distinctive sound? what was the artistic goal that you would achieve?
Our main aim is to create something new and be not part of any kind of ‘scene’ / movement. We just want to make our own music, for us and for you. We don’t think much about making a special kind of music – we just do!

How did you choose to include a sax in your band?
Hannes is one of the best trumpeters I ever met – he plays in a very big and successful orchestra beside ‘Die Selektion’. We thought it could be interesting and something new to mix trumpet with synthesizers and as you can see it fits quit well. The trumpet is kind of a trademark for us.

Which are the bands of the past that influenced your aesthetics?why?
We don’t have real main influence, we are influenced by any kind of early electronic music. D.A.F. is a little influence for us, but not only in the musical way also the idea behind creating something new. We give our best to be special with what we do.

Other double question: what is your relationship with musical technology and formats? i know that you have released only on vinyl as material release… what about synths and other instruments?
We’re all collecting vinyls and cherish this medium very much, therefore it was one of hour aims in the history of ‘Die Selektion’ to release our own vinyl record and we’re still proud of it. It will be not the last of course – we’re working on a second album right now which will be also released on vinyl. There is no other way then relasing also CDs soon, because people are asking all the time about it, even if I personally don’t need CDs. We do it for the fans :)

Could you tell me about your lyrics?? what is the themes and the imaginary that influence you?
They are mostly about common things, habits, situations and moments in my life like love, disappointments, fears. Lyrics are kind of a way to process things.

I know that some of you have parallel new projects… could you tell me about them?
I have 2 other projects – Death of Abel which is my Neofolk project. We are recording our first album right now and we hope it will be out soon. My other project is Etromix which is Oksana from Newclear Waves and me, its something between Minimal Synth and Ambient Synth music – stay tuned! I’m very happy to have both of these projects. I listen personally most of the time to Neofolk and Minimal Wave, I’m happy therefore to have the possibilitty to create my most beloved music styles as side projects. Max has also great side projects, he procudes awesome  Minimal Techno and Post rock music under the name ‘Kyoto’. You shoud give all of those projects a listen – It is worth.

Instead, about the band, what is for you the next step? what are your plans for the future?
Recording our new album and going on Europe Tour in May/June, Italy + Germany Tour in October/November and playing summer festivals. By the way our booking contacs are:  Italy: and Europe:

I had the pleasure to listen to you a the wardance comics party in lucca with venksman and Gothika. then i know that you performed at Mannequin Festival too with mushy and tropic of cancer, how was it?
The whole Tour in Italy was amazing for us. We had so much fun, played awesome shows and met so many lovely people. The guys from Wardance are doing great work and we are very happy to have the pleasure to continue our work with them. Rome was quit cool for us and I was very excited cause I’m a big fan of Mushy and I was really happy to share the stage with her. Max and Hannes are very into Tropic Of Cancer so it was quit nice for all of us.

1) Hi,how are you? would you like to talk about the roots of your band and its history?

Hello, quit nice but very busy right now with writing new songs for our upcoming album.

I know Hannes (Trumpet)  since i’m 6 and played with him in a couple of projects, after breaking up

with our last Band I met Max (Machines) and we decided to form a Band. We had no idea that everything

will get shape so soon. We formed last december, nearly 1 year now and the last months were

amazing for us. We had over 30 shows in Germany, Italy, Switzerland and releases

on Vinyl, Tape and Cd.

2) How did you give birth to your distinctive sound? what was the artistic goal that you would achieve?

Our main aim is to create something new and be not part  of any kind of ‘scene’ / movement. We

just want to make our own music, for us and for you. We don’t think much about making a special

kind of music – we just do!

3) How did you choose to include a sax in your band?

Hannes is one of the best trumpeters I ever met – he plays in a very big and successful orchestra

beside ‘Die Selektion’. We thought it could be interesting and something new to mix trumpet with

synthesizers and as you can see it fits quit well. The trumpet is kind of a trademark for us.

4) which are the bands of the past that influenced your aesthetics?why?

We don’t have real main influence, we are influenced by any kind of early electronic music. D.A.F. is a little influence for  

us, but not only in the musical way also the idea behind creating something new. We give our best to be special with what

we do.

5)  other double question: what is your relationship with musical technology and formats? i know that you have released only on vinyl as material release… what about synths and other instruments?

We’re all collecting vinyls and cherish this medium very much, therefore it was one of hour aims in the history of ‘Die Selektion’ to release our own vinyl record and we’re still proud of it. It will be not the last of course – we’re working on a second album right now which will be also released on vinyl. There is no other way then relasing also CDs soon, because people are asking all the time about it, even if I personally don’t need CDs. We do it for the fans :)

6)could you tell me about your lyrics?? what is the themes and the imaginary that influence you?

They are mostly about common things, habits, situations and moments in my life like

love, disappointments, fears. Lyrics are kind of a way to process things.

7) i know that some of you have parallel new projects… could you tell me about them?

I have 2 other projects – Death of Abel which is my Neofolk project. We are recording our first

album right now and we hope it will be out soon. My other project is Etromix which is Oksana

from Newclear Waves and me, its something between Minimal Synth and Ambient

Synth music – stay tuned! I’m very happy to have both of these projects. I listen personally most

of the time to Neofolk and Minimal Wave, I’m happy therefore to have the possibilitty to create my

most beloved music styles as side projects. Max has also great side projects, he procudes awesome

Minimal Techno and Post rock music under the name ‘Kyoto’. You shoud give all of those projects a

listen – It is worth.

8) instead, about the band, what is for you the next step? what are your plans for the future?

Recording our new album and going on Europe Tour in May/June, Italy + Germany Tour in

October/November and playing summer festivals. By the way our booking contacs are:

Italy: and Europe:

9) I had the pleasure to listen to you a the wardance comics party in lucca with venksman and Gothika. then  i know that you performed at Mannequin Festival too with mushy and tropic of cancer, how was it?

The whole Tour in Italy was amazing for us. We had so much fun, played awesome shows and met so many lovely people. The guys from Wardance are doing great work and we are very happy to have the pleasure to continue our work with them. Rome was quit cool for us and I was very excited cause I’m a big fan of Mushy and I was really happy to share the stage with her. Max and Hannes are very into Tropic Of Cancer so it was quit nice for all of us.

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